Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thoughts from the Mac

Good Morning or Evening.  Whatever time you are reading this.  So I am sitting at home contemplating the weight loss goal that I have in place.  2010 is the year of my 20th high school reunion.  I intend to get my weight down to what I weighted  when I graduated.  That would be in the neighborhood of 280 lbs.  In order to make it to this weight I am going to need to make some major changes.  I am going to need to stay away from the unnecessary sugar.  I am going to need to make sure that I eat several small meals everyday.  I am going to need to increase the water intake to ensure that I stay hydrated. And finally I am going to have to 'Gulp' increase my activity level.  Now some of you may say well why not get back to the "treatment" that you did before.  Well the treatment worked but it is really difficult.  Eating only protein is very difficult and not entirely healthy.  During "treatment" I had to have my blood checked regularly to make sure that my internals have not started to shut down.  I have gotten some new inspiration from Mr. Low Body Fat.  Check the link.  
Eating- I will eat several small meals of healthy foods preferably as natural as possible meaning that I don't want to eat a lot processed foods.  None of those small meals will come from places that have a drive thru.
Activity- I dislike the gym.  I dislike the gym alot.  I dislike the gym for many different reasons so I will list them.  
1. People- The sheer numbers of people in the gym that are not dressed for workout and have the wrong attitude.
2. Equipment-  None of the equipment really fits me.
3. Time- I would like to workout later than normal people.  Boy I wish there was a 24 Hour Fitness here in Lowell.
So how do I increase the activity level if I hate the gym?  Well I believe that there is something in the reading that I have done about working out with your own body weight.  There is definitely something to the Workout without weights. So I am going to give it a try pushing my own weight around as well as some sand bags. I will develop my core via some basic training methods.  I will also continue to walk the two miles from my house to the center of town and back.  I will also become a lot more comfortable on my bike which does not get nearly enough use. 
So that's my plan.  I hope I can count on you for support and encouragement.
Be Well, Good Night

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