Day to Day views from the mind of B. I may see, hear, read or talk about something that interests me. Catch an update here or subscribe via email.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Big Victory Parade
Today the Rolling Rally rolled thru Boston again. The Sixth Championship in Boston in 7 years. Check out the pictures.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
One More Championship In Beantown
Finally a return to Glory for the Boston Celtics. A Championship returns 22 years later. Fitting that the Celtics should beat the Lakers for their 17th Championship. Since it was the Lakers that the Celtics lost to in the Finals in their last appearance. Pictures will follow from the parade when it happens.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Fear Not Loathing in the USA
So today on there is an article that says Americans Fear gas shortages more than the higher cost of gas.
So I think we should look at why we are using so much more gas today than in the late 70's. All I can say is that most of our commutes have gotten much longer to get from where we live to home. In order to have nicer homes with more amenities we have had to move farther away from the major metropolitan areas. With that in most cities the mass transit organizations have not stayed in line with these moves. For instance in order to take mass transit from my home in Lowell to my office in Framingham I would need to take a bus to the trainstation in Lowell. Then I would need to get on the commuter rail into Boston's North Station. Get off of the train and catch the subway to Boston's South Station. Get on another Commuter Rail to Framingham. Get on a regional bus to the edge of the office park and walk to my office. While you think that that would be great and worth it. What it saves me in Gas would cost me dearly in time. I would have to leave my house before 5 AM to get to work at 9 AM. So that is 4 hours of travel time one way. So I would have to travel the same amount of time that I work everyday. And that would leave me only 8 hours to sleep.
So I think we should look at why we are using so much more gas today than in the late 70's. All I can say is that most of our commutes have gotten much longer to get from where we live to home. In order to have nicer homes with more amenities we have had to move farther away from the major metropolitan areas. With that in most cities the mass transit organizations have not stayed in line with these moves. For instance in order to take mass transit from my home in Lowell to my office in Framingham I would need to take a bus to the trainstation in Lowell. Then I would need to get on the commuter rail into Boston's North Station. Get off of the train and catch the subway to Boston's South Station. Get on another Commuter Rail to Framingham. Get on a regional bus to the edge of the office park and walk to my office. While you think that that would be great and worth it. What it saves me in Gas would cost me dearly in time. I would have to leave my house before 5 AM to get to work at 9 AM. So that is 4 hours of travel time one way. So I would have to travel the same amount of time that I work everyday. And that would leave me only 8 hours to sleep.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Pranks and How far to go.
Two stories in this mornings new broadcast involve teenagers and their actions. The first story was about kids throwing rocks off an overpass in New Hampshire. Was it just a couple of kids having fun? Or were these kids acting as I suspect maliciously. I remember when I was a kid there was a commercial about kids breaking car antennas off. One of the kids then gets into a car with his father and asks to listen to the baseball game on the radio. Nothing but static, and when the kid looks back at the antennae it is gone. Moral of the story your actions have consequences so think before you act. Now what had one of the cars that was hit by a rock contained the Mother of one of the kids throwing rocks. What if that Mother is seriously injured and the kid found out about it when he got home. HOW WOULD HE FEEL???
The second story was about the Senior Class prank at the Brockton Senior High School. The Senior Class President was arrested for disturbing the peace and resisting arrest after participating in the big end of the year prank. The prank apparently was to trash the school cafeteria. What makes these student think it is OK for these kids to trash the cafeteria and that it would be funny.
Pranks are supposed to be harmless. No one is supposed to get hurt or in trouble.
Pass it on. Someone teach the kids or stop and think of what they are doing.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Thoughts from the Mac
Good Morning or Evening. Whatever time you are reading this. So I am sitting at home contemplating the weight loss goal that I have in place. 2010 is the year of my 20th high school reunion. I intend to get my weight down to what I weighted when I graduated. That would be in the neighborhood of 280 lbs. In order to make it to this weight I am going to need to make some major changes. I am going to need to stay away from the unnecessary sugar. I am going to need to make sure that I eat several small meals everyday. I am going to need to increase the water intake to ensure that I stay hydrated. And finally I am going to have to 'Gulp' increase my activity level. Now some of you may say well why not get back to the "treatment" that you did before. Well the treatment worked but it is really difficult. Eating only protein is very difficult and not entirely healthy. During "treatment" I had to have my blood checked regularly to make sure that my internals have not started to shut down. I have gotten some new inspiration from Mr. Low Body Fat. Check the link.
Eating- I will eat several small meals of healthy foods preferably as natural as possible meaning that I don't want to eat a lot processed foods. None of those small meals will come from places that have a drive thru.
Activity- I dislike the gym. I dislike the gym alot. I dislike the gym for many different reasons so I will list them.
1. People- The sheer numbers of people in the gym that are not dressed for workout and have the wrong attitude.
2. Equipment- None of the equipment really fits me.
3. Time- I would like to workout later than normal people. Boy I wish there was a 24 Hour Fitness here in Lowell.
So how do I increase the activity level if I hate the gym? Well I believe that there is something in the reading that I have done about working out with your own body weight. There is definitely something to the Workout without weights. So I am going to give it a try pushing my own weight around as well as some sand bags. I will develop my core via some basic training methods. I will also continue to walk the two miles from my house to the center of town and back. I will also become a lot more comfortable on my bike which does not get nearly enough use.
So that's my plan. I hope I can count on you for support and encouragement.
Be Well, Good Night
Monday, June 2, 2008
Things are changing
Around here on CBI's View on the World. Now we have subscription emails. If you would like to get and email when I update. Add your email to the subscription block on the bottom left side of the Main page.
I have got to get to NYC and see this thing.
I guess I am going to take a trip to NYC. I wish I had known about this last week I might have gone down.
I guess I am going to take a trip to NYC. I wish I had known about this last week I might have gone down.
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